Sketches by Jan Tschichold

The German typographic society Forum Typografie arranged a visit to the type & book art archive of the National Library in Leizpig, where most of the work-related sketches and materials of Jan Tschichold are currently stored. With some other type enthusiast I had the chance to browse through this amazing collection. Here are some pictures […]

A “modern” Print Shop

Scans from a brochure of an old German print shop in Mainz. Enjoy! Doppelmagazin-Linotype-Satzmaschinen für Spezialsatz: Abteilung für Handsatz: Abteilung für Handsatz: Maschinensaal mit verschiedenen Schnellpressen: Maschinensaal mit Schnellpressen: Offset-Schnellpresse: Koh-i-noor-Pressen und Tiegeldruckpressen: Umdruckerei: Umdruckerei: Flach-Bronziermaschine: Moderne Hilfsmaschinen der Steindruck- und Offset-Abteilung: Schleif- und Körnungsmaschine für Zinkplatten: Stein-Schleifmaschine: Stahlstich-Schnellpresse: Lithographisches Atelier: Buchbinderei: Buchbinderei: Buchbinderei mit […]

Font Piracy at Universities

This documentary by Danielle Hall explores why font piracy among graphic design students is so common and what could possibly be done against it. Through interviews with type designers, a copyright lawyer, university administration, type professors, and graphic design students, this documentary sheds light on all angles of this issue.